Your Pregnancy


Practising yoga during pregnancy not only helps you cope with all the physical and emotional changes but also prepares you for a harmonious labour and birth.

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This breathing exercise is the foundation for all other techniques. It helps to increase lung capacity and brings more oxygen to the body. It can increase vital energy – refreshing, nourishing and restoring the physical body. Remember, during pregnancy, you are breathing for two.

❯❯ Sit in a comfortabl­e position. Place one hand on your belly, the other on your chest. Close your eyes. ❯❯ Let your breath come and go, in and out through your nose. Notice which hand is moving – is it on your chest or belly? Now breathe in through your bottom hand (through your belly).

❯❯ Inhale for a count of four, allowing your belly to expand. Exhale for a count of four. You should feel your belly sink back towards your spine. With practice, you can extend your exhalation to six counts.

❯❯ You can practise this technique for two to five minutes every day. As you finish, sit quietly for a minute or so, then slowly open your eyes.

CAUTION If you have never practised breathing techniques before, rather start slowly and for a shorter period of time. Too much oxygen can make you feel light-headed. TIP Watch the way a baby breathes when asleep. This is how you should breathe too.


This pose helps to mobilise and strengthen the lower back.

■ Sit on a yoga mat with both legs straight out in front of you. Bend your right knee up and bring toes to the inside of your left knee, allowing your right knee to drop sideways to the floor.

■ Now bend the left knee, and tuck the left leg to the outside, with the foot near the bum and the left foot’s sole should facing up (towards your head) (A).

■ Place your hands on your hips. When you inhale open your chest, lifting your ribcage and moving your hands to the sky (B). Exhaling, tuck in your tailbone, rounding your spine backwards (C).

■ Repeat this 14 times, then switch leg positions.

TIP If you do not feel stable on the floor, or if this pose causes any strain in the groin or knees, raise your sitting position, and put a cushion under your bum.


This pose also helps with lower back pain. Being on all fours allows for the growing baby to hang in the hammock of your belly, freeing the pelvis and helping to decrease back pain.

■ Rest on all fours with knees about hip width apart and your hands shoulder width apart. Keep your back flat (A).

■ Start hip circles in a clockwise direction. Breathe in for half of the circle and out for the other half (B and C).

■ Let the rhythm of your breath determine the speed of the movements. Repeat five to ten circles, and change direction.

CAUTION Please use a blanket, pillow or soft yoga mat under your knees during any practice on all fours.

TIP Move in the rhythm of your breath.


This pose is useful for releasing strain from the spine.

■ Resting on all fours, lift your chest, and step forward with your right foot – ensure your right knee is straight above the foot and ankle. Place your right elbow on your right leg (A).

■ Lift the opposite (left) arm and shift it back. Look at your left thumb. Continue breathing deeply while in this pose. Hold for 20 seconds to one minute (B).

■ Come back slowly. Switch leg positions and repeat.

TIP Try to extend your spine from your coccyx to the top of your head.


This pose helps to relieve lower back pain while strengthen­ing the lower back, feet and legs.

■ Stand straight with your feet parallel and hip width apart. Imagine lengthenin­g your spine through the top of your head and at the same time pull your arms along the side of your body (A).

■ Inhale and bring your arms above your head, so your arms are over your ears (palms facing each other) (B).

■ While exhaling, bend your knees slightly and bring your upper body forward at 20 to 30°, so you can see your toes (C).

■ Breathe out, straighten your legs and at the same time lower your arms to your sides. Rest for a few breaths. Repeat one to three times.

CAUTION Do not do this exercise if you feel any strain around the pelvic area.


This is the best restorativ­e pose for all stages of pregnancy.

■ Lie down on your left side.

■ Put a pillow between your slightly bent legs.

■ You can also place a pillow under your belly.

■ Allow body and mind to settle and relax completely. ■ Practise this pose daily for five to 20 minutes.

CAUTION Do not do this while lying on your right side. Lying on your left side will ensure optimal blood supply to the baby. TIP Until your physical body is completely comfortabl­e, your mind and emotions may not settle.

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