Your Pregnancy




WHAT YOU WILL NEED ■ A beach ball WHAT TO DO ■ Roll the ball across your baby’s visual field, and get him to crawl after it.

■ Pat the ball, and listen to the sounds it makes.

■ Lay your baby over the ball on his tummy, and rock him back and forth.

■ Tie the ball onto some fishing gut or string, and hang it from the doorway. Make sure it’s low enough for your baby to hit with his hands while he is sitting.

■ For extra fun, put the ball into your baby’s paddle pool while you play together.


■ To strengthen the eye muscles as he watches the ball come close or move further away.

■ To practise visual tracking skills as he follows the moving ball from one side to the other.

■ To promote the auditory sense when he listens to the sounds you make.

■ To promote balance as he rocks back and forth on the ball.

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