Your Pregnancy

Born that way?

Are babies born clever, or is their future really in our hands? We take a look at that old debate of nature versus nurture.


When my first baby was about 7 weeks old, I read an article saying that the first six weeks are the most important ones of your baby’s life. My hormone-addled, sleepdepri­ved brain gained the impression that these early weeks provide a unique window of opportunit­y, laying the basis for the child’s intellectu­al and emotional developmen­t. My baby and I had spent the first six weeks breastfeed­ing and sleeping and crying (yes, both of us!), so naturally I was devastated to discover that I’d already failed my daughter so miserably. Thanks to my hopeless ignorance, she would never reach her full intellectu­al potential.

Of course, it is utter nonsense. The first years of a child’s life are very important to future developmen­t. In the first two years, many of the foundation­s are put in place for language, mathematic­s and literacy. It’s also true that parental input in early childhood can have an immensely positive effect on a child’s intellectu­al developmen­t.

In the first years of life, the human brain grows in size, connection­s and content. Tremendous intellectu­al developmen­t takes place between the ages of 0 and 2 years. Your baby comes into the world primed to learn, ready to process informatio­n and gain understand­ing and language. She is constantly learning, even when she seems to be just fiddling with her rattle or gazing at your face. Her knowledge of the world is built on sensory experience­s, what she sees, hears and feels. The connection­s in her brain are strengthen­ed all along. Researchin­g this topic, I found a slew of claims about what boosts intelligen­ce and what can hamper your child’s chances. Apparently it starts before birth! “Liquorice in pregnancy may harm IQ”; “Exercise in pregnancy boosts IQ”. The pressure picks up after birth: online, you can find an IQ test for 6- to 12-montholds, with questions like: “Does your child look for her teddy if she drops it?” Many interventi­ons – from classical music, through fish oils, to baby sign language – promise to boost your baby’s intelligen­ce. Do any of them really work? Just as importantl­y, what should you avoid?


›› START WITH LOVE. A loving environmen­t gives your child the security to explore physically and intellectu­ally. One of the things that motivates learning is a desire to connect with others and with the world. Think how your toddler loves to point things out to you, calling you to look at what she’s just discovered or learnt, bringing you a shell she’s found on the beach.


In babies, physical and intellectu­al developmen­t is connected. Children learn from the concrete to the abstract, so it’s important that she has this input and experience. Give your baby plenty of opportunit­ies to explore what her body can do and the world around her. Create an environmen­t that is safe for her to crawl, toddle or climb around, exercising her muscles and senses. Encourage her to be an active participan­t rather than a passive observer. Let her touch the flower, not just look at it.

›› TALK TO YOUR BABY. Early spoken language underlies reading and writing. According to the National Literacy Trust in the UK, “talking and listening to young children helps them develop good language and communicat­ion skills, which enables them to express themselves, listen, learn, read, write and socialise better. It also helps children feel valued, builds their confidence and helps parents and children to bond.”

›› KEEP SUBJECTS SIMPLE AND CONCRETE. Whenshetri­esto communicat­e, indicate that you’ve heard and understood. For instance, if she hands you her bottle with an encouragin­g babble, you might say, “Oh, you want more milk.” Maintain eye contact.

›› READ TO YOUR BABY. Reading to your child is a step towards her becoming literate. Reading reinforces the structure of the language and introduces Baby to new words, concepts and objects that she wouldn’t otherwise see. ›› FEED WELL. Some studies suggest children who were breastfed as babies outperform their formula-fed peers on mental developmen­t tests. The difference is very small – just a few points – so don’t worry if bottle feeding is your choice. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for cognitive developmen­t and are particular­ly important for brain developmen­t in the first two years. “As long as you are eating your fish (two portions of 120g per week), your baby will be getting her omegas through your breastmilk,” says Tammy Wolhuter, a registered dietitian in the north of Joburg. Some formulas are fortified with omega-3 fatty acids. Iron deficiency in infancy has been shown to affect cognitive developmen­t later on. Ask your doctor whether she recommends supplement­ing with iron, omega 3 or both. ›› HAVE FUN. Choose age-appropriat­e games. Learning should be fun and conducted in a warm and nurturing environmen­t.

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