Your Pregnancy



Most takeaway foods are not a good basis for everyday eating since they tend to be high in fat and inadequate in carbohydra­te and fibre – as well as expensive. However, if you are eating on the run, Mom and Dad need a break from driving and the kids are restless, so it is imperative that you stop. Most of the garages en route to your holiday cater for children with jungle gyms, trampoline­s – some even have pony rides!

Instead of making your child sit still at a restaurant table (very similar to sitting still in the car), pack a picnic (with fresh fruit, homemade sandwiches and biltong) and let them run around in the fresh air. Otherwise, order the takeaways to eat outside. Takeaways can be useful, and some options are healthier than others, no doubt about that.


Find a carbohydra­te-based meal such as a hamburger, focaccia or pizza, or a meal containing a wrap, rice (curry, Chinese, sushi), potato (baked or boiled, preferably not fried) or pasta.

Avoid foods that are battered, fried (especially deep fried) or in pastry. Avoid fatty meats and large amounts of cheese. Have one or the other instead of doubling up.

Use salads, fruit or vegetables to add bulk to the meal. For example, order a salad with their burger, instead of chips. Order a vegetarian or chicken/vegetable, ham/pineapple/vegetable topping on pizza instead of “meat-lovers’ special” or “supreme with extra cheese”.

Be wary of added fats and dressings. Flavour with tomato sauce, salsa, light dressings or mustard rather than cream, sour cream and high fat mayonnaise. You can always balance the meal with your own fresh fruit and vegetable snacks that you have brought along in the car.


Avoid acidic, sugary, fizzy drinks, especially between meals, and never give your child these drinks in a bottle, which they might suck on for hours, prolonging exposure to harmful sugars. Fruit juice should always be diluted, and water still remains the best hydration liquid – especially if your child is sitting in the hot December sun. Unsweetene­d cold herbal teas are also a good choice.

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