Your Pregnancy

Ready for another?

Are you really up for another round of nappies and sleepless nights? Our quiz will help you decide if Baby No 2 is on the cards.



A The thought makes me want to hide under the bed.

B I like the idea, but I’m not sure I’d manage two.

C I’m hopping in the car right now to go baby shopping! 2 A FRIEND COMES OVER TO INTRODUCE HER NEW BABY TO YOU. A You can’t get enough of the little one and your friend has to wrest her from your arms. B You admire the little bundle, but you’re quite relieved when they leave.

C You say all the right things, but the sound of the baby crying makes you wish they’d never come. 3 WHEN YOU MENTION ANOTHER BABY TO YOUR PARTNER, HE…

A Turns the volume on the TV up. Way up. B Smiles so broadly that his lips get stuck behind his ears, and then he pulls you closer…

C Sounds keen, but says you should have a talk about finances first. 4 WHEN YOU PLAY WITH YOUR FRIEND’S BABY, YOUR OWN CHILD… A Comes closer and also admires the baby and tries to play with him.

B Tries to push the baby off your lap and climb on there himself.

C Ignores the two of you as he is busy with his own games. 5 THE BIGGEST REASON WHY YOU THINK YOU MIGHT NOT BE READY FOR NO. 2 IS…

A You are scared you wouldn’t be able to love another baby as much as your first. B You haven’t slept for years and you’d just like a bit of normality to return to your life first. C You really fear that you might go insane if you bring another child into the mix. You can barely handle one. 6 WHEN GOGO ASKS WHEN SHE CAN EXPECT THE NEXT GRANDCHILD, YOU… A Ask immediatel­y when she’ll be available for some babysittin­g as you want to go out for a romantic meal and then start working on that new baby.

B Take a quick look around to see if your husband heard her. You hope not, as you really want to get your shape back before losing it to pregnancy again.

C Answer that if she wants another so badly she can do it herself. 7 IF YOU ARE HONEST WITH YOURSELF ABOUT WHY YOU ARE CONSIDERIN­G ANOTHER CHILD, THE REASON IS…

A All your friends who were pregnant at more or less the same time are expecting again, and everyone’s asking you when you’re going to join in.

B You can hear that biological clock going tick tock in your own ears.

C The thought of another child makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. 8 WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSH­IP, YOU FEEL…

A Very happy and satisfied with how things are going. You communicat­e well and make a great team.

B Satisfied, but you wish he would help a bit more, or at least occasional­ly bring flowers.

C Unhappy. You argue all the time, about everything. 9 WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR FINANCES, YOU FEEL…

A Comfortabl­e. You stick to your budget every month and even manage to stick to your saving goals.

B Nervous, because life is full of curve balls, and a second child would mean some sacrifices.

C Panicky. Every month feels longer, and your salary seems to run out earlier.

 ??  ?? Carriwell’s Maternity Support Belt, R275, at Baby City, Babies R Us, Toys R Us, and leading baby and maternity stores, offers great support as you grow.
Carriwell’s Maternity Support Belt, R275, at Baby City, Babies R Us, Toys R Us, and leading baby and maternity stores, offers great support as you grow.

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