Your Pregnancy

Q&A: Bartholin’s abscess, and burning urine


I’m 21 years old and two months pregnant. I have a problem with my bladder. I have to go to the toilet even if the urine is small, and it burns to go to the loo, especially during the night. What should I do?

TINA ANSWERS: It sounds like you have a bladder infection – which is fairly common in pregnancy. Due to the softening effects of the hormone relaxin, the pipes that connect the bladder and kidneys may become ”kinked” and urine is more likely to get caught up in these kinks, causing possible infection. If your urine is strong smelling or very concentrat­ed or burns (as you mentioned), it is vital that you tell your caregiver.


■ Be sure not to limit your intake of fluid, as you will then be more likely to develop bladder infections and other problems.

■ Instead of drinking many glasses of water throughout the day, sip your water constantly, and you are less likely to keep running to the toilet as more water is likely to be absorbed, instead of it passing straight through.

■ Exercise your pelvic floor daily.

■ Do not hold your urine in when you need to go.

■ Do not lean forward on the toilet, this may stop you from emptying your bladder completely.

■ Always remember to wipe from your vagina back towards the anus and not the other way around.

■ Avoid drinking coffee or tea, as they are bladder irritants and may make your bladder more sensitive and uncomforta­ble. ●

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