Your Pregnancy



There are a few tried-and-tested ways of not letting your fears get the better of you. Here’s how to stay calm in pregnancy – and labour.

IMAGINE A CALMING PLACE Close your eyes and take deep, steady breaths. Imagine that you are in beautiful surroundin­gs – either a place you’ve visited or a place you conjure up from your imaginatio­n. Focus on bringing all the elements of the scene to life: from the colours you see to the sounds you hear. Try to ”stay in the scene” for at least five minutes. Practise this for a few minutes every day.

THINK OF THE BEST-CASE SCENARIO Athletes use this technique: Imagine yourself performing to the best of your ability during the birth. The theory is that if your mind is accustomed to good things happening, they will.

REMEMBER TO BREATHE When you feel the fear, take a minute to be aware of your breathing. Breathe in slowly, and when you breathe out, imagine you are exhaling all your anxieties and worries.

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