Your Pregnancy



Giving in to pica cravings (such as chalk) can be harmful to your baby. Tell your doctor about them.

Between the extremes of pica and pickles are foods that carry some degree of safety concern and should be avoided. “Unpasteuri­sed milk and milk products increase the risk of exposure to microorgan­isms such as salmonella and listeria, which can lead to food poisoning,” Kate says. “And raw fish and meat such as sushi and biltong may contain harmful viruses or bacteria.” While giving in to your junk food or sweet craving is fine once in a while, it is important to remember that junk food choices may seem convenient, but their nutritiona­l value is poor and will provide insufficie­nt vitamins and minerals needed for the baby’s growth and developmen­t, Kate explains. She adds that fast foods may be prepared in places with low food hygiene standards, which in itself poses a risk. Kate also strongly advises cutting down on your coffee or caffeine intake. “Some evidence shows that moderate to high intakes of caffeine may lead to increased risk of congenital malformati­ons, miscarriag­e, preterm birth or growth retardatio­n.”

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