Your Pregnancy

Listen to the experts on dummies


It’s a big yes to having your baby sleep with a dummy.

A dummy typically pushes the tongue down and holds it there, preventing it from slipping back and blocking the airway. This plays a big role in lowering the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), according to a study published in Maternal and Child Health in 2012. This study shows that dummies reduce the risk of SIDS for every category of maternal and infant factor examined (for breastfed babies as well as formula-fed babies, for example). It was also found that a dummy reduces the risk of SIDS if your baby sleeps on his tummy, has soft and fluffy bedding, and shares his bed. Dummies used during sleep could reduce the risk of SIDS by as much as 90 percent! The American Academy of Pediatrics’ SIDS task force recommends using a dummy when Baby sleeps.

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