Your Pregnancy



• WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN! This could be as simple as placing a white board in your kitchen (if you write lists, you’re likely to lose them), set reminders on your phone or get some extra assistance from technology. You can download apps such as Due, which can be programmed to send you reminders via email, your phone or by sounding an alarm.

• GET A MEMORY WINGMAN Your partner and friend keep offering to help out, right? Send them a list of your appointmen­ts, and ask them to remind you when you have something important on.

• REMEMBER TO EAT AND DRINK Foods high in DHA and omega 3 (salmon and eggs, for example) are great for memory. Dehydratio­n can lead to low concentrat­ion.

• USE IT OR LOSE IT Keep that memory muscle working by keeping up your Sudoku or Wordle habit. Challengin­g your brain helps develop new neurologic­al pathways.

• HIT REPEAT Repetition boosts memory power. Repeat a name or something you’re trying to remember to make it stick in your long-term memory.

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