Your Pregnancy


You don’t have to be picture perfect


Stay-at-home moms have it easy, right? What do they do all day? Stream all those series you hear about, take long luxurious baths, spend the whole day in their PJs if they feel like it, eat, nap and have me-time every day. The cherry on top is them spending time with their kids, enjoying all their milestones. Wrong! That is what I thought when I was a working mom, and now I know better.

I’ve been a stay-at-home mom to my 5-year-old daughter and our new addition, my 6-month-old son. I enjoy none of the luxuries I’ve listed above. Rather, I have lots of messy days of toys strewn all over the floor. I’m constantly cleaning, and before you know it, it’s time to prepare dinner and clean again. The kids have you on speed dial 24/7. They don’t stop needing your attention just because it’s after hours. They still need to be put down to sleep, then you wake up to change and feed the baby throughout the night. Before you know it, it’s morning again, and the cycle starts all over again.

I’ve come to the realisatio­n that whatever you do, whether you are a working or stay-at-home mom, you are amazing. As a working mom you feel guilty leaving your kids every day, and you can’t wait to get home after work and snuggle with them, no matter how tired you are. You somehow try your best to make up for the time you missed with them. Yet, as a stayat-home mom, you sometimes feel drained, questionin­g yourself if you are doing enough? The day seems so short, it’s never enough to get everything done. You feel guilty because you want everything to be perfect.

I’m learning to appreciate every single moment. I have days when I do everything on time, days when I go to bed with the sink full of dishes, just so that I can have extra cuddle time with the kids.

There is no one size fits all at the end of the day. Whatever choices we make on how to raise our kids, it’s always with their best interests at heart. Continue being an awesome mom. You don’t have to be picture perfect. Always remember: as they are growing, so are you. When a baby is born, so is a mother. Here is to us supermoms!


 ?? ?? Mom Cindy Mbangani with Bruno Ethan (6 months) and Rose (5).
Mom Cindy Mbangani with Bruno Ethan (6 months) and Rose (5).

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