Your Pregnancy




I’m 23 weeks pregnant and am experienci­ng severe infection. It’s no longer a yeast infection. It’s got a yellow colour, and it’s making me really uncomforta­ble as it burns and itches.


TINA SAYS: I strongly advise that you see your doctor and have a swab done to see what kind of infection you have, so that it can be treated effectivel­y and quickly. There is no need for you to suffer. Vaginal infections are very common in pregnancy, and there is no need to be embarrasse­d.


■ Do not use tampons during pregnancy.

■ Use sanitary towels or panty liners for comfort.

■ Wear cotton underwear, especially if you live in a hot place.

■ Do not use feminine sprays or talcum powder.

■ Avoid using bath oils or bubble bath.

■ A few drops of tea tree oil in your bath is permitted.

■ Avoid washing with harsh soaps near the vaginal area – acid increases vaginal discharge.

■ Keep well hydrated. ●

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