Your Pregnancy



ALMONDS This healthy nut has antioxidan­ts and vitamins that increase body metabolism, control food cravings, and is good for the foetus’s growth and developmen­t.

BANANA has folate or folic acid that is considered a prenatal vitamin. Foods rich in folic acid increase haemoglobi­n count, reduce body pain and prevent birth defects.

BARLEY is rich in iron, which helps fight fatigue during pregnancy.

LEGUMES like red lentils, red kidney beans, black-eyed beans, and aduki beans helps fight anaemia. To increase haemoglobi­n count, include kidney beans in your diet.

VEGETABLES like beetroot, radishes, red cabbage, red chillies and peppers, spinach (green with red stems), tomatoes, watercress, horseradis­h and parsley are loaded with iron.

BROCCOLI This superfood is also a rich source of essential vitamins and proteins. It’s one of the effective foods that fight fatigue.

CARROTS are rich in vitamin A and have folate, which is good for you especially while you’re pregnant. Eat carrots raw or blend them into a juice.

FENUGREEK LEAVES To stay strong and healthy, include calcium-rich foods. It fights fatigue and improves bone density.

FRUITS Go wilds on cranberrie­s, raspberrie­s, red apples, cherries, plums, strawberri­es, watermelon and pineapple.

HERBS Cayenne, mint, mustard, sage, rosemary, thyme.

ORANGE This citrus fruit is a rich source of vitamin C and folic acid. To fight fatigue, you must have healthy fluids like orange juice. This also helps with the absorption of iron.

POMEGRANAT­E The red juicy fruit increases blood circulatio­n in the body, which fights fatigue and also increases body metabolism.

SEAFOOD is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and essential antioxidan­ts that are required during pregnancy. However, consume in limited amounts, as it’s rich in mercury, and over-consumptio­n of mercury can be harmful.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS are not only for the birds. These seeds are packed with nutrients in the form of minerals – iron and magnesium, vitamin E and other essential fats.

TOFU This is a healthy alternativ­e to paneer. It’s low in calories, fat and healthy too. Tofu is filling and rich in calcium.

TURNIP GREENS Calcium deficiency can cause health disorders and also lead to fatigue during pregnancy. Have turnip greens to overcome fatigue and stay strong during pregnancy.

WHOLE GRAINS Whole grains are nutritious and rich in fibre. Heavy foods make you feel sluggish and tired easily as the body energy is spent in breaking down heavy food particles. So, have light, filling and easy-to-digest whole grains in your diet.

YOGURT is rich in calcium and vitamins. The healthy probiotic bacteria in yogurt fight fatigue and also cleanse the system.

SPINACH This superfood is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and essential proteins. The green vegetable is rich in folic acid and iron that fights fatigue during pregnancy.

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