Zululand Observer - Monday

Hard work earns Namelani six matric distinctio­ns

- Wellington Makwakwa

‘IF my mother was here, tears of joy would roll down her face.’

So said an emotional Namelani Tokyo Kevin Ndlela (18) of Khula High School, who learned on Friday that he had achieved six distinctio­ns in his matric exams.

Not only did Namelani top his class, but he also received the most As of all matriculan­ts from eSikhaleni schools.

This young lad scored As in mathematic­s, physical science, life science, accounting, English and isiZulu.

‘I aimed for a bachelor degree admission during my exams, but never thought I would be top of the class. My mother would have been proud. She always taught us about the importance of education,’ said Namelani.

‘She used to encourage me to work hard and get a good education and one day help my other siblings.’

To reach his goal, he spent more than 15 hours a day studying.

After school he would also attend evening classes at a neighbouri­ng school.

‘I wanted to get as much informatio­n as I could and went through the work over and over again.’

He was motivated by his father, a master’s degree graduate.

‘This achievemen­t is also for my dad who loves education. It rubbed off on me. Not only am I grateful to have him in my life, but also grateful for all the lessons he taught me.’

Namelani will soon jet off to Johannesbu­rg to study towards a B Com degree at the University of Johannesbu­rg.

His dream is to one day become a successful chartered accountant.

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