Zululand Observer - Monday

eShowe girl is district’s shining star


‘WILL I have to buy new school shoes?’

This was the first thought that went through Sukoluhle ‘Lulu’ Ngwane’s mind when she received the news that she was King Cetshwayo’s top performing matric learner, and would be required to attend Friday’s awards ceremony in Durban.

‘It’s all very surreal, I don’t think it’s sunk in yet,’ an elated Lulu said on the her way home.

‘I haven’t even got my results yet because we had to leave so early for Durban. All I know is that I have seven As.’

Referring to the school shoes, Lulu said eShowe High has a tradition whereby, on their final day of school, the matrics leave their shoes for underprivi­leged learners, and go home wearing slippers.

‘Luckily I managed to squeeze into my little sister’s shoes!’

On Saturday morning, Lulu obtained her marks and achieved an outstandin­g 97% for physical sciences and life sciences, 90% for geography, 86% for life orientatio­n, 93% for maths, 94% for Afrikaans first additional language, and 85% for English home language.

‘Throughout my matric year, I worked hard with the aim of doing quite well, but I didn’t expect to do quite this well!’

Lulu is now packing her suitcase and getting ready for the next stage in her life which will see her heading down to Cape Town to study actuarial sciences at UCT.

‘I’m really looking forward to going to university.

‘There were many things I wanted to be when I was younger, including an astronaut, but actuarial sciences will be a good career.

‘I look forward to the challenge of what lies ahead.’

‘We feel blessed, and her name Sukoluhle means ‘good day’ because she was born on Mother’s Day,’ said Lulu’s father, Nkosinathi Ngwane.

‘She was a special gift given to her mother, Dudu.

‘We are excited indeed, and more so because she has secured a scholarshi­p.’

On behalf of the school, eShowe principal Mr Curtis, said, ‘She has always been a hard worker, she has done our school proud and is one of the learners who helped eShowe High achieve a 100% pass rate.’

Lulu said she could not have achieved these marks had it not been for the support of her family and friends.

‘I’d like to congratula­te the rest of the Class of 2017. We all worked hard for this great result for our school.’

 ?? Larry Bentley ?? From the rolling hills of eShowe to the bustling metropolis of Cape Town, Sukoluhle ‘Lulu’ Ngwane, King Cetshwayo’s top performing learner, is soon heading to UCT
Larry Bentley From the rolling hills of eShowe to the bustling metropolis of Cape Town, Sukoluhle ‘Lulu’ Ngwane, King Cetshwayo’s top performing learner, is soon heading to UCT

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