Zululand Observer - Monday

Hawks swoop on homestead

- Orrin Singh and Muzi Zincume

MYSTERY surrounds a secret swoop by high level law enforcemen­t agencies on a homestead in the deep valleys of Ngoye near ESHOWE on Thursday.

The ZO obtained informatio­n from locals that police in vast numbers were conducting a raid in the Ngoye Nature Reserve area.

When the ZO arrived on the bustling scene it seemed evident that members had been confiscati­ng items from the property, with large plastic bags being carried around.

KZN Hawks Spokespers­on, Capt Simphiwe Mholongo confirmed the raid had been conducted by the National

Hawks Unit together with provincial SAPS members.

The ZO was reliably informed that two vehicles, as well as explosives were seized during the raid.

The vehicles are impounded pending investigat­ion by the Vehicle Identifica­tion and Safeguardi­ng Unit at Mtunzini Police Station.

According to a local community leader, a man and his wife arrived in the area last year and asked for a piece of land on which to build a house.

‘They said they were from Zimbabwe. They came with an interprete­r who said he was from Durban and that the man was his father-in-law,’ he told the ZO.

According to the source, the family are quiet people and he does not know what they were doing to make a living.

‘I used to see him driving down to the stream to fetch water,’ he said.

On Friday the ZO returned to the scene only to be told by locals that the homestead had been deserted.

The ZO also received highly sensitive informatio­n concerning the raid, which it has chosen not to publicise.

However, it can divulge that the case itself could have strong internatio­nal security links.

Raid may have internatio­nal security links

 ?? Orrin Singh ?? A heavy police presence was evident at the homestead on Thursday
Orrin Singh A heavy police presence was evident at the homestead on Thursday

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