Zululand Observer - Monday

No time to rest on our laurels


WITH the drought and water crisis in the Western Cape, questions arise regarding our own water situation here in Zululand.

Are we safe? Can we afford to be complacent?

I read and hear with increasing concern about a total collapse of our water system in Empangeni and Richards Bay.

Can the Zululand Observer do some investigat­ion regarding the Tugela-Goedertrou­w transfer scheme and how far the Department of Water and Sanitation has come to get this scheme up and running?

A report indicated that this scheme must be completed by 2019 otherwise water provision to our region, and especially the industrial zone, will collapse.

I listen with trepidatio­n to Prof Anthony Turton, who appeared on Enca news, urging government to get their act together and warning that places such as Richards Bay, Durban and Port Elizabeth are all heading in the same direction as the Western Cape.

His said even if it rains in the catchment areas, by the time the water reaches the coastal towns most of it had been used inland, while pollution renders much of the water unusable.

What is the situation regarding pollution in Lake Mzingazi? Is local government doing something about this?

The water in the lake cannot be used as the E.coli count is way over the legal limit and dangerous for human consumptio­n.

I have heard rumours that pipes, which serve the communitie­s inland from the desalinati­on plant, are being stolen. Is that true or just rumours?

Climate change and drought in South Africa are here to stay. We must all learn how to manage and protect our precious water resources.

The public must be educated, motivated and informed how to save and use water wisely.

There is work to be done. CONCERNED BAY RESIDENT

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