Zululand Observer - Monday

Crime declines in Brackenham

- Conelia Harry

AFTER months of Brackenham residents being the victims of house burglaries and robberies, theft of motor vehicles and vehicle tyres, the community is relieved that no major crimes have occurred in the past month.

This after crime fighting community forums in the suburb, Brackenham Community Policing Forum (CPF) and Brackenham Community Crime Watch teamed up to work together and combat crime through increased patrolling efforts. BCCW Chairperso­n and CPF member Ray Govender said the forums have been functionin­g well and crime has significan­tly reduced in the area, especially the theft of vehicle tyres.

‘We have had some reports of petty crimes and we are encouragin­g community members not to leave any valuables outside their property, and their gates should be kept locked at all times.

‘We are also appealing to residents to establish street forums and participat­e in our night patrols to help keep the community safe,’ said Govender.

Meanwhile, Govender said a community crime awareness and family fun day will be held on 17 March at the Brackenham Community Sports Grounds to promote the CPF and BCCW.

The event will include the Richards Bay SAPS, local CPF sub forums and other government­al department­s.

For more informatio­n contact Ray Govender 083 3304825.

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