Zululand Observer - Monday

Centre on a roll with community outreach

- Conelia Harry

PROMOTING healthy lifestyles and making a difference in the lives of primary school learners were the focus areas of The Abundant Life Centre’s (TALC) community outreach and involvemen­t this month.

The centre which is based in Veldenvlei and focuses on spirituali­ty, health and hygiene and life-long learning rolled out their back to school uniforms project and ‘Fighting Fit’ fitness and healthy lifestyle initiative this month.

On a mission to get the community physically fit, improve their health and deter chronic illness, TALC launched their fitness programme earlier this month, which takes place every Saturday during February and is a onehour aerobics workout session.

According to Pastor Ivan Naidoo, the fitness programme aimed to benefit the community in terms of health and improving their fitness.

‘Health is one of our key pillars at TALC and we believe that people can introduce exercise into their lifestyles to help fight illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes, affecting so many.

‘Our institutio­n is in the life building business, playing an active role in community developmen­t, more specifical­ly in helping people unlock the benefits of being spirituall­y strong, mentality developed, physically fit and clean.

‘We were blessed to also focus on another of our key areas, lifelong learning, and distribute­d new school uniforms and shoes to learners at Floraton Primary School and Matshagule Junior Primary School outside KwaDlangez­wa.

‘We value education and are grateful to these schools for allowing us the opportunit­y to bless these children with new uniforms.

‘It is important for learners to have pride and it is vital to boost their self-esteem, which will carry them through their lives,’ said Naidoo

 ??  ?? The Fighting Fit fitness free workouts for the community rolled out this month at the Abundant Life Centre
The Fighting Fit fitness free workouts for the community rolled out this month at the Abundant Life Centre
 ??  ?? The team at The Abundant Life Centre handed over new school uniforms to learners at Matshangul­e Junior Primary School
The team at The Abundant Life Centre handed over new school uniforms to learners at Matshangul­e Junior Primary School

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