Zululand Observer - Monday

Educate one another about women abuse

- Wellington Makwakwa

WITH the shocking rise of women and child abuse cases sweeping through the district, regional Human Rights and HIV/ Aids activist Simphiwe Gumede (34) says it’s time for action.

Speaking to the Zululand Observer on Friday, Simphiwe said programmes to educate communitie­s, especially the men, need to urgently be put into place.

‘This Women’s Month must be used to create platforms, which will educate our communitie­s. Rape and murder of women is escalating and we all need to come together to fight this crime.

‘Our political parties, government and corporates need to work together in identifyin­g the source of this crime. A platform is also needed for men where they can talk about their issues.

‘Forums, NGOs and other support groups for men are just as important. Men need to be heard and for us to understand their demons – that way we can find a way to move forward.

‘This will not only assist us in working together in the future, but will help identify men’s issues which leads them to be abusive. We need to find a source of the problem,’ she said.

Gumede also said a programme to rehabilita­te perpetrato­rs is vital.

‘People are arrested, go to prison and come out in a few years with the very same mindset. When they get back into society there are no platforms to help them rehabilita­te, so they go back to committing more crimes.

‘It is easy to go back to what you are used to if there is nothing guiding you to a different path.

‘These programmes can be used for young boys as well, where they can be taught respect and how to treat women and somehow change the mentality that a male is always superior,’ she said.

Simphiwe also said women must learn to be independen­t and not to depend on men.

She said this will ensure they don’t stay in abusive relationsh­ips because of financial reasons.

‘As women, we must use this Women’s Month to stand on our own and make things happen for ourselves. This is the time we show everyone how strong we are and that we are unbreakabl­e and capable of reaching new heights,’ she said.

 ??  ?? Regional Human Rights and HIV/Aids activist Simphiwe Gumede says it’s time for action
Regional Human Rights and HIV/Aids activist Simphiwe Gumede says it’s time for action

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