Zululand Observer - Monday

Learners caught using drugs

- Conelia Harry

SIX learners from Richards Bay Secondary School in Brackenham charged with possession of dagga and usage of drugs have been released on warning into the custody of their parents. The pupils were arrested during crime combatting inspection­s at the school last Friday. A member of the school governing body alerted the police to criminal activities occurring on the premises and they found children congregati­ng behind the classroom building, smoking dagga. After a quick search, dagga was also discovered in a plastic bag inside the learners’ school bags and they were charged on counts of possession and usage of drugs. Richards Bay SAPS spokespers­on Captain Debbie Ferreira said learners should not using or in possession of any illegal substances and the school environmen­t must remain a safe place for learners. ‘We need parents and community members to share drug awareness informatio­n with their children to help curb the problem in our schools. ‘Drug-taking among young people can make school a less safe and healthy place for all learners, whether they use drugs or not. ‘Combatting drugs in schools needs to be a collective approach with community members, parents and schools working together. ‘Schools and communitie­s have a responsibi­lity to all learners - including any who may be at risk from drug use; there are places which can offer help and we all need to work in partnershi­p,’ she said.

Tips to keep children safe at school

• Enforce zero-tolerance policies toward the presence of weapons, alcohol, and drugs

• Establish and enforce drug-and gun-free zones

• Establish policies that declare that anything that is illegal off school is illegal at school

• Engage learners in maintainin­g a good learning environmen­t by establishi­ng a Representa­tive Council of Learners

• Develop protocols between the SAPS and the school about ways to share informatio­n on, and handle, at-risk learners

• Develop resource lists that provide referral services for learners who are depressed or otherwise under stress

• Involve learners in designing and running programmes such as mediation, mentoring, peer assistance and, School Crime Watch

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