Zululand Observer - Monday

Labour urges employers to improve hygiene controls

- Gugu Myeni

THE Department of Labour has appealed to employers to conduct risk assessment­s and improve hygiene control measures in the workplace to combat the spread of the coronaviru­s.

With rising infections in the country, labour has urged those who have not prepared for pandemic events to ‘prepare themselves and their workers as much as possible’.

‘For employers who have already planned for influenza outbreaks, planning for the coronaviru­s threat may involve updating plans to address specific exposure risks, sources of exposure, routes of transmissi­on and other unique characteri­stics of respirator­y infections,’ said department­al spokespers­on, Teboho Thejane.

The department has developed Covid-19 guidelines based on traditiona­l infection prevention and occupation­al hygiene practices.

‘It focuses on the need for employers to implement work practice controls and personal protective equipment (PPE).

‘Employers and workers should use this planning guidance to help identify risks in workplace settings and to determine any appropriat­e control measures to implement,’ Thejane said.

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