Zululand Observer - Monday

Protected, productive labour force is an asset


THIS week sees the celebratio­n of one of the oldest and most universal of public holidays.

Workers’ Day, known also as May Day or Labour Day in countries across the world, has always been associated with the start of spring (northern hemisphere), as well as the celebratio­n of the economic and social achievemen­ts of workers.

In socialist and communist countries, the day has also been used to honour military and industrial efforts.

In all countries, labour and politics are intertwine­d and in fact, the labour movements have a profound impact at the ballot boxes; in a month this will again be the case as various unions decide which party will receive their support.

In South Africa, Workers’ Day – appropriat­ely first celebrated in 1994 - is linked to the historic struggles of the working class.

By forming trade unions, the collective strength and bargaining power have achieved many victories for a sector that for so long was abused.

Workers are now better paid, their working conditions are far safer, their hours are no longer slave-like, and they enjoy the benefits of overtime, pension funds and medical aid schemes.

Many now also enjoy profitshar­ing schemes and other bonuses, while thousands have been launched into entreprene­urship.

But the cancer of discrimina­tion in the workplace continues to be under the microscope.

The culture of human rights has correctly cascaded down to workers’ rights, while labour legislatio­n is constantly being adapted to ensure the welfare of workers.

The slogan ‘An injury to one is an injury to all’ is a rallying cry whenever the labour movement feels injustice has been done.

Strategies such as strikes, where the collective strength is a forceful weapon, can also mean that the ‘injury to one’ is at times self-inflicted and counter-productive.

It is not in workers’ interests for investors to be scared off, or for businesses and industries to shut their doors.

The employment creators must also be protected, for if they close down, the labour force loses jobs.

Strikes are costly in many ways, and that threat hangs over the national economy like the Sword of Damocles, while unprotecte­d ‘no work, no pay’ stayaways bring personal hardship.

A protected and productive labour force is our country’s greatest asset.

Bring on those negotiator­s who can resolve the many hindrances to that ideal.

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