Zululand Observer - Monday

Lose self-doubt just do it and


AS true artists, we all share a deep longing to embrace our calling and share who we are through our creativity.

But sometimes, fear sneaks into our lives and we question whether we are meant to be artists.

It’s the fear that we don’t have what it takes and that our dreams will remain just that — dreams.

When our inner critic keeps telling us our work is not good enough, we struggle to embrace our identity as an artist, and it's downhill from there.

As a result, what we are left with is a tension between wanting to turn art into a livelihood and believing it is possible. An uneasy feeling which can make the road ahead feel more terrifying than exciting.

Truth be told, most artists, at some point, feel self-doubt and question their calling. It’s part of being a true artist.

We question what we are doing, we tremble and want to throw in the towel. That’s normal, we are humans after all.

When I go through moments of doubt I start to question my ability to create new work, I feel my creative energy slipping away, and I am left feeling drained.

But we have a choice – yes we do. We could just do nothing and let self-doubt wash all over us when things have not gone as expected.

But true artists use this as motivation, a starting point for their next creative project.

All artists have doubt, even the ones out of reach, and we learn of their lives through media – they all have doubt but it’s about what they do when that doubt sinks in that matters. Being an artist is tough. We face many challenges just for being true to ourselves, but when we start doubting ourselves, we let the enemy win – and by ‘enemy’ I mean non-believers who don’t see art as work and try to motivate us to do something else.

We all experience self-doubt but the difference is to dig deep and don’t give up. Use your feelings of discourage­ment, anger, or excitement to fuel your art or your next creative project.

Get angry, cry, but never stop trying to get to that next level.

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