Zululand Observer - Weekender

School security guard accused of raping pupil

- Muzi Zincume

CLASSES were disrupted at Gugulesizw­e Secondary School in Jozini on Monday, following a rape incident which was reported to have occurred on Saturday morning.

Learners refused to go to their classrooms, demanding the arrest of a security guard, who is accused of raping a 17-year-old learner.

A source at the school said the victim was leaving the premises at about 2:30am after attending extra classes.

‘A group of learners are doing preparatio­n for Grade 12 supplement­ary exams. Some live at the school premises and others at rental cottages nearby the school.

‘It is alleged that at the gate a security guard only allowed the victim’s friends to get out, and dragged the victim back.

‘Other learners thought it was just a game, and they walked away. He allegedly dragged her into a secluded dark area and raped her, without using protection.

‘On Monday, learners were furious about the incident, because they believed that the guard was not hired to victimise them, but to protect them.

‘The suspect vanished without trace after the incident, but we hope that police will track him down and arrest him.

‘During the learners’ protest, police were summoned to calm down the situation. The victim is undergoing trauma counsellin­g, and has not attended any classes,’ she said.

KZN Department of Education spokespers­on, Muzi Mahlambi, said they were disturbed about the rape allegation against someone who was hired to protect learners.

‘The matter is being handled by police. We will wait for the law to take its course, and when these allegation­s are proven to be true, our relationsh­ip with the suspect will stop,’ said Mahlambi.

Police spokespers­on, Captain Senzo Gumede, said a case of rape was registered at Jozini SAPS for investigat­ion.

‘The situation at the school has calmed down and the suspect is nowhere to be found. Our detectives are working around the clock to trace him,’ said Gumede.

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