Zululand Observer - Weekender

Threat: ‘We need water now’

- Muzi Zincume

UBIZO residents have threatened to intensify their service delivery protest if the City of uMhlathuze fails to restore their water supply. They started protesting on Monday and claim their taps went dry in July last year.

On Wednesday, the protesters made it clear that enough is enough, and said they would not back off until their demand is met.

‘Since our taps went dry, the city has been using water tankers, which is unsatisfac­tory as they don’t supply us with water daily.

'These tankers only deliver water into communal tanks where every member of the community has to queue for water. Some of us are forced to return home empty-handed because there isn't enough,’ said resident, Sibonelo Khoza.

Khoza accused the city of deliberate­ly closing water valves to stop water supply from reaching their taps.

‘Our ward councillor is aware of this challenge, even the city officials are aware, but no one is willing to take action.

‘City of uMhlathuze officials once told us they can’t prioritise rural residents because we don’t pay rates,' said Khoza.

Another resident, Zodwa Cele said almost the whole of ward 32 is affected by water supply challenges.

‘The only area not affected by this problem is KwaHlaza. Residents there still have running water.

'We can’t live without water. We live in a Covid-19 era where we all need water to wash our hands.

‘These water tankers only deliver water into our communal tanks from which all members of the community collect water.

'A foetus was recently found in one of the tanks. No one is cleaning these tanks. It is our constituti­onal right to have clean running water just like any citizen of this country,’ she said.

She added that the matter was reported to the traditiona­l council whose members interacted with Mayor Mdu Mhlongo.

'The response was that the city has insufficie­nt budget allocated for us, and as people from a rural area, we don’t pay rates. According to my understand­ing, when government allocates a budget, we are also included in that budget,’ she said.

'City of uMhlathuze Communicat­ions Manager, Mdu Ncalane said they are aware of the challenges in that area.

'We have engaged with Amakhosi in our recent budget roadshow engagement, even the induna is aware of our engagement and how are we planning to mitigate these challenges,’ Ncalane said.

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A foetus was recently found in one of the tanks. No one is cleaning these tanks &RPPXQLW\ PHPEHUV EORFNHG WKH URDG ZLWK VWRQHV DQG GHEULV 3KRWR *XJX 0\HQL
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