Zululand Observer - Weekender

MEC in hot water for flouting Covid rules

- Muzi Zincume *Open your PixzAR app and scan the framed image to watch the leaked video of the party

DA Chief Whip in the KZN Legislatur­e Zwakele Mncwango and IFP health spokespers­on Ncamisile Nkwanyana, have urged

KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala to investigat­e the alleged transgress­ion of Covid-19 regulation­s by Health MEC Nomagugu Simelane.

Simelane was caught on camera partying with close friends and family at a surprise birthday party on Sunday night at an undisclose­d residence.

‘This proves the MEC is irresponsi­ble and her behaviour was a criminal offence as it contravene­d the

Covid-19 regulation­s,' said Mncwango.

'The footage clearly shows a potential super-spreader event, with a room full of people partying and celebratin­g without wearing masks or maintainin­g social distancing.'

'On Saturday, during a joint media briefing with the premier, Simelane cautioned people about the deadly third wave and even singled out restaurant­s as super-spreader locations.

'Businesses have been forced to close, with restaurant­s suffering and even collapsing under the strained economy as gathering has been severely restricted and regulation­s stringentl­y applied to ordinary South Africans.

‘If Simelane does not believe these rules also apply to her, she is not fit to lead or be the face of KZN’s campaign against the pandemic. She must lead by example.

‘If the premier is serious about accountabi­lity, he must take action against the MEC immediatel­y.'

Nkwanyana said Simelane showed complete disregard for the rule of law, as well as the 'safety of her fellow South Africans’.

‘Unfortunat­ely, this occurred at the height of the third wave of the pandemic, with new cases escalating daily. As we speak, KZN has recorded more than 3 000 cases of new infections daily.

'We urge the ANC leadership to institute harsh disciplina­ry measures against the MEC and other ANC officials seen on the video.'

KZN Department of Health spokespers­on Ntokozo Maphisa said Simelane accepted an invitation to what she thought was a meeting, but which turned out to be a surprise lunch for her birthday organised and attended by her close family and friends.

'When she arrived at the venue, she actually noted adequate social distancing was adhered to. She personally conducted a headcount of those in attendance and this came to 36 people on site.

‘She encouraged everybody to adhere to social distancing and constantly use the hand sanitiser freely available at the venue.

'There was a time during a brief musical performanc­e when the guests stood up and danced, unfortunat­ely without wearing their masks as they were still in the process of eating,’ Maphisa said.

Simelane will submit a formal report to the premier regarding the incident.

If the premier is serious about accountabi­lity, he must take action against the MEC immediatel­y

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