Zululand Observer - Weekender

Calls for election nomination clarity

- Muzi Zincume

THE ANC's Musa Dladla Region has undertaken to investigat­e disruption­s of community meetings where preferred ANC candidates in ward 28 are nominated to contest the upcoming local government elections.

According to a source, the nomination processes were disrupted and no candidates could be nominated or elected.

‘In the Bomvini voting district on

Saturday, a meeting was disrupted, and community members were not allowed to nominate and vote for their preferred candidate.

‘This happened again at the Ngwelezana Civic Centre the following day. When people were about to nominate their favoured candidate, the meeting was disrupted and other contenders walked out - as did the chairperso­n, which brought proceeding­s to an abrupt end.

‘The next meeting was scheduled in the

Thanduyise voting district on the same day, but that also did not happen for the same reason,' the source said.

A staunch ANC supporter, who asked not to be named, said these actions are confusing the community.

‘We know Monday was the cut-off date for all political parties to submit their candidate lists. Now, our question is who is representi­ng us?

'The community is becoming restless as their voices were suppressed. People demand fresh blood to take them forward.'

ANC Musa Dladla Regional Secretary Tholithemb­a Gwala said he was aware of the allegation­s.

'I have since received a report, and we are going to investigat­e these allegation­s and report back to the community.

'Having said that, I also advised the community to submit their grievances to our provincial list committee (PLC) which can institute its own investigat­ion as well,’ Gwala said.

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