Zululand Observer - Weekender

IFP reviews policies ahead of elections

- Muzi Zincume

ANY political party that does not have a solution to address load-shedding and corruption has no space on the ballot paper.

This was the view of the IPF president, Velenkosin­i Hlabisa, who was addressing delegates at Imbizo Hall in Empangeni on Tuesday during the party's policy conference.

“Policies must evolve because needs evolve as new challenges demanding solutions emerge. The policies we present to the electorate in the 2024 elections must be responsive to the immediate needs of the population, while building for the long term.

“As the IFP, we regularly revisit our position in critical issues to ensure the solutions we offer remain the best fit for the country and our people.

“Over the last few months, the IFP began an intensive campaign called ‘Kungawe’, meaning ‘It’s about you’, where we meet with communitie­s across the country to listen, and we engaged with them.

“We channelled everything we heard from them into a process of policy revision, which was undertaken at a national level. We have also shared our draft of updated policies with our structures and received feedback,” he said.

Hlabisa said his party founder, the late Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi laid an unshakable foundation and equipped them with everything they need to take the party forward together.

“To honour him, we need to place the value of his legacy at the centre. We thanked him for what he did for the IFP and for South Africa, and we commit anew to fulfilling the destiny of his party,” said Hlabisa.

He added that the IFP is used to coalition governance as it has worked with other parties for decades, seeking a common goal.

“The IFP has entered into a multi-party charter for South Africa, but the party remains independen­t. We will contest next year’s elections as the IFP. We will campaign alone, there will be no joint campaigns, and the policies we design are our policies.

“Our manifesto will be the IFP’s commitment. Any vote cast for the IFP will go to the IFP. The charter is the commitment to work with like-minded organisati­ons after the elections to create a government that will be an alternativ­e to remove the ruling party that has been failing us for the past 30 years.”

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 ?? ?? IFP President Velenkosin­i Hlabisa at the party policy conference
Mbuso Kunene
IFP President Velenkosin­i Hlabisa at the party policy conference Mbuso Kunene
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