Zululand Observer - Weekender

Government needs proactive citizens

- Muzi Zincume

NFP KZN premier candidate Mbali Shinga says citizens should be proactive in government affairs and take ownership of their regions.

“Residents must know what is happening around them because they have a vital role to play in the affairs of the State.

“Taking ownership means protecting the government's infrastruc­ture, be it a community hall or water infrastruc­ture.”

She said her party would assess all existing infrastruc­ture to determine whether it should be changed or maintained.

“We would have a maintenanc­e budget to deal with collapsing infrastruc­ture, dealing with electricit­y and water supply crises in our lifetime.

“Our government would also emphasise the importance of paying for government services, especially those who can afford it,” she said.

Shinga added that crime is a priority because 'every citizen is now living in fear'.

“People are scared behind the doors of their homes. Dangerous suspects are roaming the streets freely. We need to ensure the police are quick to respond to crime.

“We need to revive CPF structures and encourage residents to work hand-inhand with community leaders such as traditiona­l leadership, CPF and police to eradicate crime.

“This would assist businesses to run smoothly and make a profit, which would assist in hiring more people and growing our economy.

“Africa belongs to Africans, but there must be no strict laws that prohibit Africans from entering the country, especially for tourism purposes.

“When visitors come into our country, they spend money which grows our local economy and creates jobs,” she said.

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