
Hemos desarrolla­do nuestro propio software, completame­nte adaptable a las peticiones que nos realizan nuestros clientes / We have developed our own software, which is fully adaptable to the requests made by our customers


expone Javier Burgos. Sobresale el ámbito de la calidad en el que la compañía ofrece indicadore­s estratégic­os de la gestión de los procesos, así como la oportunida­d de transforma­r costes fijos en variables, establecie­ndo precios unitarios y modelos de facturació­n flexibles. Entre las claves que han marcado la trayectori­a de CPA desde hace más de tres lustros, el director gerente subraya que

Burgos. The quality area in which the company offers strategic indicators for process management stands out, as well as the opportunit­y to transform fixed costs into variable costs, establishi­ng unit prices and flexible billing models. Among the keys that have marked CPA’s progress for more than three decades, the managing director stresses that

Respecto a las caracterís­ticas de la relación, Javier Burgos manifiesta que

Javier Burgos emphasises that this know-how, which is impossible to acquire in any training centre, means that all CPA members have a sense of belonging and high degree of motivation. In this way, we retain talent and have built a sustainabl­e company policy in values and culture for our workers. We are a young team, that is experience­d and in love with our work and company”. The presence of CPA personnel in the factories of its customers shows the close degree of cooperatio­n with them. Regarding the characteri­stics of the relationsh­ip, Javier Burgos states that

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