Costa Blanca News

ITV noise test anger


noise test that forms part of the ITV (MOT) vehicle inspection in the Valencia region has still not been eliminated, criticised the Compromís party.

Compromís regional deputy Fran Ferri said the regional government had vowed it would do so in May this year.

He noted that they published a draft decree in the official bulletin of the region (DOCV) that would modify the rules to remove the need for this test. This was on public display until June 3, 'four months after which the Partido Popular (PP) has had enough time to give its definitive approval', stated Sr Ferri.

"This broken promise is prolonging the 10 years of discrimina­tion and injustice that we have been suffering since the Valencian government instigated the need for all vehicles to pass the noise test in 2004," said Sr Ferri.

"It is a useless test, because the elements that are inspected are already included in the mechanical check of the vehicle and it is not performed anywhere else in Spain."

He noted the test was ' invented by the PP and is only required for vehicles registered in the Valencia region'.

Sr Ferri also pointed out that vehicles registered in Valencia cannot take the ITV in other regions, otherwise 'they could be fined for not having passed the noise test'.

This test used to add about €10 to the price of an ITV, until the regional government reduced this to around €3.

As a result, he assured, Valencia has been one of the most expensive regions in the country for an ITV, costing residents a total of €150 million since the noise test was instigated.

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