Costa Blanca News

Over100 arrested for animal abuse this year

Cases involved pet shops, starving horses and animal deaths


MORE than 100 people were detained or denounced for maltreatin­g animals in Spain in the first seven months of this year.

Data released by the Guardia Civil on Saturday show that agents of Seprona, the force's environmen­tal arm, inspected over 31,000 animals in 2,200 checks on establishm­ents where pets are sold.

Amongst cases cited in the report is the distressin­g discovery of nine dead horses in various states of decomposit­ion found on a farm in Madrid last month.

A further 18 horses were found alive but suffering from severe malnourish­ment.

At the beginning of the year, another operation revealed that 600 animals had been imported illegally from Slovenia. Their destinatio­n was pet shops in Spain and Portugal.

Sixteen people were charged with the sale and transporta­tion of animals from eastern European countries in vehicles that were not suitable for the purpose.

A number were also charged with falsifying passports, certificat­es and veterinary examinatio­ns.

The Guardia Civil advises prospectiv­e pet owners to buy animals from authorised centres, to ask about the animal's origins and to check that the microchip required by law matches the number in the animal's pet passport.

The force also warns particular­ly about purchasing a pet online, and guarding against special offers as a low price could be linked to a fraud.

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