Costa Blanca News

Last day for Pedreguer bull referendum

- By Samantha Kett

PEDREGUER residents are advised to hurry up and vote quickly in the anti-bull referendum, since the deadline for doing so is tomorrow (January 15).

The council wants all adults aged 16-plus on the padrón, or census, to give their views as to whether the bous embolats and

bous encaixonat­s should coninue at the local fiestas.

Bous embolats involves flaming rags tied to bulls' horns before they are released into the street, a distressin­g experience for the animals.

Bous encaixonat­s sees them tormented in a small, enclosed space by foolhardy spectators.

Voting can be done in person at the Casa de Cultura, not at the town hall as initially advised, or online at www.pedreguerp­ar

On the website, a tick is a vote in support of the bull spectacles continuing, and a cross is to vote against it.

The council has not borne expats in mind, since many have experience­d problems entering their NIE numbers – unlike a Spanish ID, which is eight numbers and a letter, foreigners' IDs start with an X, or a Y for the most recent, followed by seven numbers and a letter.

As the website will not accept the initial X, non-Spanish voters should replace this with a zero.

Local resident Ms McVittie has pointed out confusing spelling mistakes in the English version, which will hopefully have been corrected.

At least 25% of eligible voters must cast their ballot for the referendum result to be considered valid.

 ?? Photos by Ángel García ?? A full house attending the voting session with resigned mayor Bertomeu in front.
Photos by Ángel García A full house attending the voting session with resigned mayor Bertomeu in front.
 ??  ?? Votes in favour - Isidor Molla on the far right
Votes in favour - Isidor Molla on the far right

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