Costa Blanca News

Brit broadcasts own suicide on internet

Guardia Civil were alerted by his friends but were unable to prevent his death

- By Nuria Pérez and Alex Watkins

A 35-year-old British man living on the Costa broadcaste­d his own suicide live via the internet, despite the efforts of the Guardia Civil and his friends to stop him.

A 35-YEAR-old British man living in Fuente Álamo in Murcia region broadcaste­d his own suicide live via the internet, despite the efforts of the Guardia Civil and his friends to stop him.

The tragic incident was watched by some of his Instagram followers, according to the Guardia Civil.

A force spokesman told Costa Blanca News that the man had contacted his former partner and had warned her that he was going to commit suicide.

The spokesman revealed that the man had prepared a rope to hang himself.

“He then took his mobile phone and broadcaste­d it live,” the officer said.

The spokesman said several friends had phoned the emergency services and the police to alert them over the tragedy that was unfolding.

However, they were unable to provide the exact address of where their friend lived.

Guardia Civil officers managed to locate the property quickly through informatio­n they provided.

Unfortunat­ely the young man was already dead when the officers gained access to his home.

Paramedics who arrived on the scene were unable to revive him.

According to the spokesman, no suicide note was found initially.

He stated that the incident had occurred at night on September 1.

He refused to provide any more details about the victim or where exactly the suicide had taken place.

Expat’s suicide prevented

In separate incident in the south of Alicante province, a British man who may have been having a psychotic episode threatened to set himself and Guardia Civil officers on fire in Almoradí on Sunday.

A spokesman for the force explained that a patrol was called to a public disorder incident in Heredades, where they found the 67 year old on the second floor throwing objects into the street and making threats at anyone who came close.

The objects included a concrete block which the man threw at his own car that was parked there.

The officers managed to get him to come down to the front door and tried to calm him down by talking.

He did open the door but ‘for no apparent reason’ became agitated again and went up to the roof before they could stop him.

The man was saying he was going to jump but was carrying a bottle of lighter fluid and sprayed it all over himself, threatenin­g to burn himself and anyone who tried to stop him.

The two Guardia Civil officers called for back-up from Almoradí local police, who came and distracted the man while they got onto the terrace via a neighbour’s balcony and took him by surprise.

Although he had a lighter in his hand, the officers managed to subdue him, much to the other residents’ relief, who praised them for their efforts.

The man was taken away by the medical services to the psychiatri­c ward of Vega Baja hospital as he may be suffering from bipolar disorder, according to the spokesman.

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