Costa Blanca News

Sexual health

- Due to the specialise­d nature of this subject, this article has been written with collaborat­ion between Vanessa Harvey and Grahame Milton-Jones. For more informatio­n call Grahame on 96 540 5631 or visit the website

There is an old fashioned view of sexual health which was that only men who visited prostitute­s ran a risk of getting a sexually transmitte­d infection (STI).

The present reality is that any single person who is enjoying an active sex life or someone tempted into an extra marital relationsh­ip is at risk. With the current trend of people not entering marriage until their 30s, there should be no surprise regarding the incidence of STIs.

According to the Center For Disease Control, young people aged 15–24 years acquire half of all new STIs and that 1 in 4 sexually active adolescent females have an STI, such as chlamydia or human papillomav­irus (HPV). Compared with older adults, sexually active adolescent­s aged 15–19 years and young adults aged 20–24 years are at higher risk of acquiring STIs for a combinatio­n of behavioura­l, biological, and cultural reasons. STIs amongst older adults are on the rise though, possibly due to women not being worried about getting pregnant and not using condoms.

Spain is the 8th most adulterous country in the world, yet contracept­ion in Spain runs at the lowest in Europe. Only 65.7% of people admit using contracept­ives compared with 70.5% in Europe as a whole. Though the pill, IUDs and Implants are all in use, it is only a condom that helps prevent the spread of sexually transmitte­d infections.

The subject of sexual health not only affects the heterosexu­al community but the LGBTQ communitie­s just as much.

It not only affects people who go to South-east Asia for a sexual holiday, it has an impact on anyone who has unprotecte­d sexual contact or who has a partner who has done so. Worldwide there are over 340 million new cases of STIs each year. spot and a burning sensation when they urinate. The next stage after discoverin­g something unusual is to get it checked out. It is far better to have half a dozen “all clear” messages rather than leave one problem untreated.

Not to be too dramatic about the subject, but infertilit­y and death can arise.

■ Discharge (thick or thin, milky white, yellow, or green leakage from the vagina).

■ Vaginal itching.

■ Blisters or warts in the genital area (the region covered by underwear).

■ Vaginal rash or rash in the genital area.

■ Burning or painful urination.

■ Pain during intercours­e.

■ Bleeding during intercours­e or in-between periods.

■ Dull aching of the abdomen. curable: syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoni­asis vaginalis.

The other 4 are viral infections and are incurable: hepatitis B, herpes simplex virus (HSV or herpes),

HIV, and human papillomav­irus (HPV); they are managed rather than cured. The five that are underlined are the most common in Spain.

Can someone get an STI from receiving a BJ?

Yes, it's possible to get an STI from receiving oral sex without a condom or dental dam. Herpes can be easily spread from one partner to another during oral sex because it's passed through skin-to-skin contact and not just fluids. Other STIs, like gonorrhoea and chlamydia, can infect the throat.

What treatment can be given?

Treatment usually consists of one of the following, depending on the infection:

■ Antibiotic­s, often in a single dose, can cure many sexually transmitte­d bacterial and parasitic infections, including gonorrhoea, syphilis, chlamydia and trichomoni­asis.

■ Antiviral drugs; though these are for management.

Can you get an STI without intercours­e?

Even if you're not having intercours­e, fingering and oral sex can lead to infection. Ask your sexual partner to wash their hands before touching your genitals.

And if either of you has a cold sore, don't have oral sex. The virus that causes cold sores can transfer to the genitals and become genital herpes, although this is highly unlikely if both partners al- ready carry the virus.

It appears that a huge amount of anxiety and misery has been caused by various sexually transmitte­d infections. It also appears that much can be done to cure or manage problems when they arise. They key is to maintain a healthy sexual lifestyle by taking suitable precaution­s and looking for warning signs.

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