Costa Blanca News

Strikes threat Easter holidays

Industrial action planned by pilots, luggage handling and security staff

- By James Parkes

Several strikes at airports scheduled over the holidays

SPANISH airports approach yet another Easter season under the threat of disruption­s due to strikes scheduled from April 15 to 24.

The first industrial action will be carried out by the pilots’ union Sepla, which has called six 24-hour strikes among Air Nostrum pilots (handling several domestic routes from Alicante-Elche and Valencia airports) on April 15, 16, 17, 22, 23 and 24.

Unions are protesting against the transfer of contracts to other airlines, which contravene­s the agreement reached between the company and Sepla in December - also after three days of strikes.

Handling strike

The strike that would cause the worse disruption is the one scheduled for April 20 (Easter Saturday) by UGT and USO unions for aircraft and passenger handling staff.

This sector, vital for the smooth-running of any airport, currently employs around 60,000 people in all Spanish airports and all have been called upon to support the industrial action.

In this case, the dispute comes down to the lack of agreement in contracts for third-party staff (non-AENA) which currently represents over 70% of all jobs in the sector.

Security staff

A third strike only affects Madrid Barajas Adolfo Suarez airport.

However, it could cause delays on flights from Costa airports to the capital and connecting flights.

This strike has been called by the regional security staff union and will take place indefinite­ly from today (April 12).

Unions are demanding the recovery of wage pluses lost in 2015. They also want contract improvemen­ts, better working conditions and extended rest periods.

Unless last-minute agreements are reached, industrial action could cause disruption­s in all Spanish airports over the Easter period. Costa Blanca News will keep readers updated next week and also via social media.

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