Costa Blanca News


Big-hearted Calpe helps family of seven refugees fleeing Eastern Europe

- By Jack Troughton Turn to page 3

CHARITY sprang into action in Calpe this week when a family of seven were found sleeping rough on the streets after fleeing Eastern Europe.

Associatio­ns in the town offered sanctuary to the two adults and five children – all aged under 11 – after they fled Ukraine, using all their savings to reach Spain.

A Russian Orthodox priest was alerted to the family’s plight and tracked down the 'asylum seekers' in the resort before phoning the town hall for help, triggering a rapid response.

It was understood the family fled when the father was called up for military service – Ukraine is on high alert in the ongoing standoff with Russia following the annexation of the Crimea and ongoing border skirmishes.

However, the parents took the decision to leave when they were told the father, trying to raise the young brood, faced imprisonme­nt for taking his stance.

It is believed they chose Calpe as a refuge because of the numbers of their countrymen and women living in the area.

Councillor Carole Saunders coordinate­d a rescue mission on Monday that enabled the family to get temporary accommodat­ion, food and extra clothing.

“I got a call for assistance from the priest – he used to be based at the Russian Orthodox Church in Altea but is now in Benidorm – after he tracked down the family in Calpe,” she said.


“They left because they wanted to escape being recruited for military service; he refused to join up because of the five children aged under 11 – he was told he would go to prison... I think you would call them asylum seekers.”

She added: “They had enough money to get on a plane to Alicante and a bus to Calpe. Possible because of the number of Ukrainians living in the area they chose to head for Calpe.”

The alarm was sounded in the early afternoon, a time much of Spain closes down for a traditiona­l siesta.

Carole said: “First of all, when he sent photograph­s of the family, I called all the different charities, associatio­ns and department­s to try and find out where this family was.

“The priest had found them on the streets and said he would take them to social services but they had already closed, but I alerted the Red Cross and they promised to keep the office open and try and find accommodat­ion.

“Some of the children needed new shoes and they were also given two days worth of food and moved to an apartment.”

And the parents have already been interviewe­d by Red Cross social workers in a bid to help the family settle.

Carole added: “The father is a qualified heavy goods vehicle driver and the mother is a care assistant; if anyone can offer them jobs, please get in touch with me at the town hall.

“If they cannot find work they will have to be relocated from this area, Calpe can be very expensive compared to other parts.”

 ??  ?? The family discovered on the streets
The family discovered on the streets

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