Costa Blanca News

Avoid Brexit holiday chaos

British Embassy in Madrid issues latest travel advice for UK nationals due to uncertaint­y over withdrawal from the EU

- By Jack Troughton

NEW travel advice for UK nationals planning to be on the move for holidays at Easter and beyond has been issued by the British Embassy in Madrid.

The latest informatio­n aims to prepare British travellers for a no deal Brexit – and covers passports, emergency healthcare and insurance – as “uncertaint­y” lingers over how the UK will leave the European Union.

Expats are further advised to travel with their residency documentat­ion as well as a passport if leaving Spain to guard against “confusion” on their return.

Firstly, always ensure a passport is valid – if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, people will need at least six months remaining on the essential travel document on the date of travel.

And this is not straightfo­rward. Anyone who renewed their current passport early may find extra months were added to the normal 10 years validity – these do not count. If in doubt, use the quick passport checker at https:// check-a-passport.

After the UK leaves the EU, there might be changes to emergency healthcare when travelling. If Britain exits with a deal, nothing will change until the end of 2020 – this means Spanish-issued European Health Insurance Cards (EHICs) can be used in the UK and family and friends visiting Spain can use their UK-issued EHICs.

However, if the UK leaves without a deal, whilst the Spanish government has said it will continue to provide healthcare for British visitors – it is “important to note” UKissued EHICs may not be accepted in other European countries.

In any case, travellers are advised to buy comprehens­ive travel insurance because an EHIC would not cover private medical healthcare or costs such as needing an air ambulance and the card is not valid for cruises.


The advice goes further: “Make sure you match your insurance to your trip. If you have a health condition or take part in sport or hazardous activities, including scuba diving or skiing, you might need special cover.”

Since the referendum, the British consulate team has been asked how easy it will be to travel on a UK passport in the future. The answer remains: “Rest assured, in any scenario, your British passport remains valid and UK citizens will have the right to enter and stay in the Schengen space without a visa for short-term visits.

“This means that, even in a no deal scenario, you would be able to travel in Europe for up to 90 days within any 180-day period without needing to apply for a visa. So, if you live in Spain and want to travel to France and Germany, for example, you will be able to do so on your UK passport, without a visa, as long as you don’t stay longer than 90 days.”

British Consul Sarah-Jane Morris added: “We recognise the current uncertaint­y for UK nationals in Spain and we will continue to do all we can to update citizens as and when we have more informatio­n.

“To make sure you enjoy your much-needed holiday, ensure your passport is valid in any scenario, that you have comprehens­ive travel insurance and check our travel advice for any updates.

“We also recommend that you travel with your residency document as well as your passport if you are leaving Spain to avoid any confusion on reentry.”

Travellers should keep an eye on official travel advice pages on ( foreign-travel-advice) to keep up to date with any changes in requiremen­ts.

Advice for UK nationals living in Spain can be found at:; where people can sign up for alerts when there is new informatio­n - or on the Brits in Spain Facebook page britsinspa­in.

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