Costa Blanca News

U3A Vall Del Pop: Patterns of Evidence – The Moses Controvers­y


David Rohl returned from his latest study trip to Egypt on March 25 and brought back with him the DVD of the second Patterns of Evidence movie, The Moses Controvers­y, which has just been premiered nationwide in the USA. The movie had been shown during the two-week Egypt study tour, as evening entertainm­ent after the daily visits to temples, tombs, and whilst in Cairo visiting the Pyramids and Sphinx.

On Monday, April 1 at the Jalon Town Hall, David showed this second movie to those members who had been brave enough to run the gauntlet of the strong rainstorm. The members were enthralled this time by the evidence which has been uncovered in Sinai of turquoisem­ine engravings of the world’s first alphabet, developed many hundreds of years before the Phoenician alphabet, which had previously been considered the earliest alphabet. This latest discovery has alphabetic letters, which appear to have been developed from Egyptian hieroglyph­ics, at the time of Joseph, son of Jacob, when he was ruling the country on behalf of Pharaoh. Its discovery therefore supports the Bible’s story of Moses writing the early books of the Bible and, of course, the Ten Commandmen­ts, a few generation­s after Joseph.

As appears usual in studies of Egyptian history, there are detractors who do not accept the Hebrew origins of this alphabet at such an early date, and therefore contest Moses ability to have written the biblical texts. One Israeli ‘expert’ argued that the alphabet had not been developed by an educated man, but by common man, tagged as Beni for the movie. If you believe that you probably still think the world is flat. David Rohl, Egyptology Group leader at the Vall del Pop U3A, gives talks on the first Monday of each month at Jalon Town Hall, usually starting at 11am. Come along and hear the facts about the Egyptian pharaohs and the archaeolog­ical finds which support the biblical stories first hand from a world-renowned expert. Email him at egyptology

For further informatio­n see http://u3avalldel­pop. com

 ??  ?? David Rohl and Tim Mahoney, film producer, examining the script in the caves
David Rohl and Tim Mahoney, film producer, examining the script in the caves

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