Costa Blanca News

Poison patrols underway

Guardia Civil comb Benissa, Teulada and Calpe to fight poison baiting

- By Jo Pugh

Guardia civil search for illegal poisoning bait

THE CANINE section of the Guardia Civil have once again been patrolling rural areas of Benissa, Teulada and Calpe in the fight against illegal poison baiting.

Guardia Civil Seprona staff from both Altea and El Verger have been using two poison detection dogs following many fatal cases in 2012, 2017 and 2018.

This is the third time that these specialist canines and their handlers have been brought in to perform what are called ‘Antitox’ operations. The investigat­ion is being carried out through a collaborat­ion between Benissa local police, the Guardia, Seprona and civil protection volunteers.

The canine section, known as the cynologica­l service, stated that it is 'fundamenta­l' to raise awareness of the ' inconvenie­nce of the use of poisons, both prohibited and legal, for purposes other than those intended,' adding that 'in the environmen­t, statistics already show us cases of use of poisons in contexts of agricultur­e, hunting, poultry farming or beekeeping, among others, with the use of baits to mitigate unwanted effects that affect their farms or their interests, and that cannot happen'.

Guardia Civil also confirmed that investigat­ions continue into the culprit of the previous poisoning incidents of last year, when a large number of animals were killed almost instantly.

They reminded the public that if any suspicious substance is seen or they detect any strange movement of vehicles or people in rural areas, to call 062, 091 or 965 730 733.

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The Guardia Civil canine patrol in the area

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