Costa Blanca News

Knife wielding robber took victim to cash machine

National police arrest mugger in Campello's Muchavista area

- By Jo Pugh

THE NATIONAL Police in Alicante have arrested a 21yearold man for allegedly forcing a man to walk to a cash machine at knifepoint in order to rob him

According to explanatio­ns given by the 28yearold victim, the events occurred shortly before 14.00 last Monday. The man was alone in his parents' apartment on Muchavista beach, El Campello, when somebody knocked on the door. The victim, not knowing his assailant had covered the peephole, initially did not open the door. When he believed the caller had left, he then eventually opened the door to have a look around. He then saw his alleged attacker, whom he knew of by sight.

According to the complainan­t, his attacker then pushed the door open, thrust his victim inside and threatened him with a knife pointing at his neck, demanding money. After a struggle, the attacker took the man’s wallet, but finding no cash, forced him at knifepoint to walk to a cash machine.

To do this, they walked for three and a half kilometres and finally stopped at an ATM of a bank. The victim stated that during the entire walk, he could feel a sharp object pressing against his back.

As the victim introduced his bank card and typed in his PIN number, he made the decision to run away, as he knew he had no money in his account. He ran to a bar in front of the bank to ask for help, but the waiters inside thought he was being rude and sent him back outside. Although the waiters assured him that they were going to call the police, the victim said they didn’t, and he ran to a lottery kiosk to raise the alarm.

A police patrol arrived at the scene shortly afterwards, and the victim helped to locate and identify his assailant. He was arrested for alleged robbery with violence and intimidati­on.

The arrested man told the police that the victim owed him €300, but denied intimidati­ng his victim with a knife. In addition to his arrest for these crimes, he was also reported for puncturing the four tyres of his victim’s car.

The complainan­t claimed that he has been working since he was 16 years old, and that the detainee had never lent him any money. The arrested man spent Monday night in the cells and faces a court appearance.

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