Costa Blanca News

Bruised but not Broken Walk for Life

- By Lorraine Brown

Hi folks! It's that time of year again... time to get out your walking shoes and sign up for our 'Walk for Life' which will take place this year on Sunday, May 5.

We shall walk the usual route along the seafront between El Campello and Muchavista beaches covering a distance of approximat­ely 10 kilometres, although you may if you wish, walk the shorter distance of 3 or 5km.

Although called a walk, you may run the distance if you prefer but walking or running, this is not about winning. It is about taking part in support of those who cannot and everyone who enters is a winner by the very fact that they care enough to do so.

We would especially like to see families entering as this is after all, a disease which affects the family unit as a whole. The walk is open to everyone regardless of age, albeit on 1 leg, 2 legs, or those who need wheels, you are all welcome, including our 4 legged friends.

If you would like to take part please call Lorraine on 96 577 65 78 or 608 524 896 for details or call into the Bruised but not Broken charity shop in El Campello where our volunteers will be happy to offer you a registrati­on pack.

This will include sponsor forms, a Walk for Life T- shirt, a wristband and informatio­n about the charity all for a small cost of €10. (The pack costs €12 to produce). All walkers will receive a medal on completion of the walk. Please support this event and walk or run yourself a little fitter at the same time. Thank you for taking the time to read this piece.

Please be at the harbour end of El Campello beach by the Tabarca trip booking office for 09.30 on Sunday the May 5, to sign in with the marshall.

We will start at 10.00 and proceed down the promenade to the far end of the beach crossing the Rio Seco and continuing along Muchavista promenade until Restaurant­e Costa Blanca. Here you will find toilet facilities and be able to purchase refreshmen­ts if you wish. Then we will walk back to El Campello beach finishing at 'Bernie’s Bar' where a cold buffet will be provided.

We would ask that you check in again so that we know you have finished your walk. If you choose to do a shorter walk, please make sure that you still check in again on completion.

Although this walk is taking place for serious reasons, we want you to enjoy yourself and be safe. Please make sure that you have adequate protection from the sun .

When you have completed your walk and collected in your sponsor money, please take it to the Bruised but not Broken charity shop on Carrer San Bartomome.

And finally

If you are amongst the first back (as I know I will definitely not be!) remember... You are all winners by the very fact that you care enough to have given up your time to help support those who are unable to and who need our help. THANK YOU.

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