Costa Blanca News

Brexit assurances from the Embassy

Virtual ‘hello’ on social media

- By Jack Troughton

NEW British Ambassador Hugh Elliott has committed his embassy team to providing assurances to expats over their 'questions and concerns' over Brexit uncertaint­y.

He said the British government had given 'legal certainty' to EU nationals living in the UK and underlined his 'pleasure' that Spain had granted expats the same rights post-Brexit.

Speaking from the British Embassy in Madrid, the ambassador filmed a virtual ‘meet and greet’ by recording a Facebook message; speaking of his pride at being able to serve his Queen and country, he described it as a 'tremendous honour'.

And he said, “We are approachin­g an important milestone as the UK prepares to leave the European Union on October 31.

“We have given EU citizens living in Europe the legal certainty of their right to live and remain in the UK and I am very pleased that the Spanish government has put in place - through the royal decree - the same guarantees for British citizens in Spain.

“But I do understand that you have questions and concerns, and my team and I will be working hard over the coming days and weeks to answer those questions and to give you the assurances that you need.”


Mr Elliott added, “In the meantime what I would ask you to do; please, if you have not already done so, is to sign up to Living in Spain on ‘’ which is where we are going to put the latest informatio­n to keen you as best informed as possibly we can.”

Introducin­g himself to expats, the ambassador said arriving back in Spain was 'a little bit like coming home' as he had lived and worked here in a 'number of different guises'; language teacher, student, tour guide and as a young diplomat on his first overseas posting.

“I met my wife Toni when we were teaching English together at the university in Salamanca and when we were here on our first posting, our two children were born here in Madrid - so I am very familiar with this country.

“And it is a country which I respect and appreciate a great deal; I am not surprised that a great deal of you have made it your home.”

Mr Elliott said he was 'delighted to meet British expats ‘virtually’ and was looking forward to getting out and about in the coming weeks and months to meet people personally.

The video message from the ambassador to UK nationals can be found at https://www.­in/ videos/1100205536­841750/

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