Costa Blanca News

Proroguing Parliament? ‘Great’

- By James Parkes

Knowing right from wrong can be tricky at times, but just lately we have a decent 'gauge across the pond’: the Trumpomete­r.

I remember the days when we mocked the US for electing Trump, when we laughed at the Americans for getting ‘what they deserved’ – or certainly what they voted for, and when we proudly thought such a bully would never reached a ‘higher place’ such as Number 10.

So now, we are probably blushing, looking the other way or simply cursing our system because look…we have found a British equivalent.

But back to the issue. Donald Trump has become a good indicator to tell if something is right or wrong. The issues that concern the rest of the world (immigratio­n care, global warming, and commerce) are either ‘fake news’ or 'anti-American' in the eyes of the tycoon, who became ‘leader of the free world’. In all these cases, the majority of free and intelligen­t beings will honestly say that he's wrong… which immediatel­y makes those issues ‘right’ in the eyes of the informed listener.

The majority of things Trump seems to ‘dislike’ (a gesture here to his prolific use of social media to air his views) or label as ‘wrong’ is actually right or at least commendabl­e in the eyes of many others. And many of the things he ‘likes’ are actually frowned upon by the majority – namely a Berlin wall along the US border with Mexico (‘and they’re gonna pay for it’) or an escalating commercial war with China that is leading the world to another recession.

So when Boris announced the suspension of Parliament and ‘a very exciting agenda’, some were still be in doubt about if this is a good or bad idea. Let's see what the Trumpomete­r said:

“Would be very hard for Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s Labour Party, to seek a noconfiden­ce vote against new Prime Minister Boris Johnson, especially in light of the fact that Boris is exactly what the U.K. has been looking for, & will prove to be ‘a great one!’ Love U.K.”

So, Trump likes the idea, he thinks it’s ‘Great’ and he thinks Boris is ‘Great’. Silencing the opposition (regardless of if you like its leader of not) is apparently ‘Great’. We could probably find a few historic characters now disdained by their own countries who also applaud the idea of keeping their opposition quiet…or worse.

Trump probably thinks the recession ‘Great’ Britain is facing is also ‘Great’, the fact that millions of EU residents in the UK and millions of expats here in Spain and overseas are left facing a no-deal Brexit uncertaint­y that will inevitably curb some key rights …is also ‘Great’. The slump the pound has taken is likely to be seen as ‘Great’ too, so expats on UK pensions in Spain are now having a ‘Great’ time thanks to the ‘Great’ exchange rate.

Donald’s comments were hardly surprising after seeing the two ‘mates’ at the G7 summit in Biarritz and the ‘promise’ of ‘Great’ deals to be made with the US once Boris slams the doors on its main market, the EU.

If you thought Trump was a bad idea when he was elected, if you were among those sniggering about what the American had got in the White House, then you have to agree that his endorsemen­t of Boris’ plan to prorogue Parliament is a big ‘This Is Wrong!’…and millions in the UK are already shouting that.

By the way…the first Tweet replying to Donald Trump was from Natalie Rowe saying: “Who asked you to poke your racist nose in UK affairs.. don’t you have a WAAAAAALLL­LL to build?”

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