Costa Blanca News

How dare Iran retaliate!


Dear Editor,

I read the review for 2019 with interest and never thought that so much happened on mine and other expat pensioners’ wonderful retirement in a lovely country.

I sincerely hope that in the review for this year it is possible to mention the long wait for expats to have their cases heard in the Spanish courts.

The cases I refer to are the number of cases ‘waiting’ to be heard regarding banks issuing mortgages on illegal properties?

Mine was regarding a UK subsidiary (Barclays Bank Spain) which was sold to a Spanish Bank (Caixa). In my case it is sixteen years since I was sold an illegal property and at 77 years old I am certain that we will never get a result whilst we are alive?

Hoping you will oblige, Michael Kemp

Email January 7

Dear Mr Kemp

Our review did include the judicial victory obtained by Richard and Pauline Pope (May) following their years-long legal battle with Bankinter over a dream home that was never built.

We realise there are many ongoing cases and are only too happy to report on the outcome, but as you

Hillsborou­gh, Co. Down, N. Ireland January 6 How dare Iran retaliate! How dare Iran feel aggrieved! The United States only seeks peace and justice and sometimes it can only attain those ends through bombing, murder, and its own brand of terrorism. How dare Iran challenge US, global, military hegemony!

How dare Iran take measures to defend itself against outside aggression! In fact, the US loves freedom and democracy so fervently it is prepared to bomb a country into oblivion and support dictatorsh­ips across the world to achieve those noble ends.

How dare Iran break the nuclear deal which the US tore up months before!

How dare Iran support a sovereign state (Syria) which is under attack from western-funded, proxy armies!

But how dare Iran have its own proxy armies in countries bordering Iran!

How dare Iran deem to control its own resources and use the revenue from the sale of Iranian oil to benefit Iranian people!

How dare Iran take an independen­t path and not subordinat­e the country's resources to servicing the

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