Costa Blanca News

New Year, new house?

There is no better way to start the New Year than to renovate your home


The first thing to bear in mind is that you don’t have to invest too much money or time to create a new look. There is a fundamenta­l rule in home decor that you must follow to achieve a successful result: Your personal tastes should always come before any trend. The key to a beautiful home is its character and its comfort, so put your heart and soul into it.

Be bold and paint

Painting is the simplest and cheapest way to give your room a new look. Paint can completely transform a room by brightenin­g it up or making it seem more spacious... Perhaps the worst part of painting is the effort of having to move all the furniture and covering the floor and electric sockets with paper, etc... However, the effort will definitely be worthwhile. You don’t need to paint the whole room it could simply be just one wall, maybe the entrance hall, behind the bedhead or just the wall behind the sofa. Lighter shades give the sensation of more space, but would you dare to use a one of the trendy darker tones, like a greeny blue or metallic green?

Move things around

Redesign your home with your current furniture. You will probably find that you can make better use of the available space. Take advantage of the changes to tidy up and get rid of all the items that you have accumulate­d and no longer need.

New fabrics

Playing around with your fabrics is an excellent way of achieving big results with small changes. You can renew curtains, cushion covers, even reupholste­r your sofas, change bedspreads or duvet covers. You’ll see how these simple touches will give your home new vibes.

Black and white photos

Black and white images can bring a nostalgic and magical touch to your home. Get prints of your favourite photos in black and white: your children, your travels, your special moments … as a contrast to the black and white, use different size frames, shades and materials. Now you just have to find the perfect wall for your photograph­ic mural.

Flowers and plants

Both indoor and outdoor plants decorate your home and provide freshness and positive energy. Depending on the style of your home, there are multiple options to choose from - Local flowers and medicinal herbs for rustic styles, bamboo for Zen spaces and tropical plants for more striking and unconventi­onal spaces.

A special corner

To create your special corner, you don’t need to use large bulky furniture or accessorie­s: For example use an armchair or chest of drawers with a floor lamp and fluffy rug… Alternativ­ely, a small table with candles, some books, and a box with blankets can make so much difference... The best locations for your special corner are in the hallway, the lounge or in your bedroom.

Decorative lights

Decorative garlands and light strings are not just for Christmas anymore. Coming in all colours as well as white, they will bring a homelike atmosphere to any room.

Original bathroom mirrors

Your bathroom also deserves some special attention. You can put the focus on it by decorating it just like any other room. Consider hanging an original mirror that will mark the difference.

Don’t forget your balcony

If your balcony is completely abandoned and full of junk, dedicate some time to it. Tidy up, clean it and buy some nice wood furniture and plants as a finishing touch.

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