Costa Blanca News

Lennon classic is help for health heroes

Fund raiser reworks ‘Imagine’ as tribute

- By Jack Troughton

JOHN Lennon’s timeless classic ‘Imagine’ has been rewritten by a group of talented Costa Blanca musicians as a tribute to the frontline heroes working in hospitals during the coronaviru­s crisis.

The 10 people involved some have never met before have filmed their performanc­es at their homes; brought together to produce a video of the recording and released it via Facebook.

And they hope an internet audience enjoying ‘Imagine202­0’ will also go on to support the fund raising and donate generously as a thank you to health workers. It is intended the money be divided equally between Denia and Alicante hospitals.

The idea was to record an “emotional and heart-warming” version of the song released by the former Beatle on the 1971 album of the same name.

And they said the Covid-19 pandemic made them realise everyone was affected across the world, material things were not “everything” and while they - like everyone in lockdown - had lost their freedom, they had more empathy, more time to talk to family, time to reflect on the past and “imagine how things will change in the future.”


The group said music was something everyone could relate to and share joy and love without boundaries. “All we can do right now is Imagine.

“We imagining those who are suffering; imagining those who have lost loved ones; imaging those who are alone; imaging the businesses that can no longer function and maybe won’t survive; imagining all the people who are on the frontline who are risking it all to protect us.

“We are hoping from this song we can raise money to give to the amazing men and women at Denia and Alicante hospitals risking their lives to help save ours.”

And they add: “Some of these musicians have never met before but listen how the music has brought them together as one.

“Please support them and our heroes. Love and peace to you all at this challengin­g time.”

To hear Imagine, go to­ona2020.

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