Costa Blanca News

Have the British Royal Family let themselves down?


Xàtiva April 4

I am not a Republican who wishes the British Royal Family should be swept away, but is it the case - at the very least - that the British Royal Family have not covered themselves in glory during this terrible pandemic?

All of them have legged it to their country mansions/castles accompanie­d by enough flunkies and staff to cater for their every need. From their mansions there have been daily updates from their public relations teams claiming they are "working hard " and that it's "business as usual". Daily their public relations teams release staged photos of Charles, William, Kate and the Queen "busy on the phone ". And in the United States, Harry and Meghan helpfully keep us updated on progress in their search for a multimilli­on pound home in the Los Angeles/Hollywood areas.

I know there are a lot of older people similar to my age here in Spain who are great fans of the Royals (especially the current Queen) and there are many patriotic ex-military living here, but has it not been an unedifying spectacle seeing the whole Royal Family fleeing to their mansions in a moment of extreme national crisis? The messages of their public relations teams that "we are all in it together" ring very hollow.

The Queen Mother stayed in the Palace in London during the bombing blitz during the Second World War, and visited the poorer areas of London which had been bombed during the night. The current Royal Family have all fled as fast as their Rolls Royces can carry them.

So, have the British Royal Family let themselves down?


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