Costa Blanca News

Rescued from her son

National Police rescue woman detained by her son in her own home

- By Shelley Liddell sliddell@ cbnews. es

NATIONAL Police officers have arrested a 29yearold young man in Alicante city who had locked himself in the family home together with his mother, and would not let her leave the premises.

It was the victim’s exhusband who phoned the National Police and told them that their son was holding his exwife hostage, not allowing her to go out, reported a force spokesman.

Two teams from the force’s operationa­l response group immediatel­y sprang into action, arriving swiftly to take charge of the situation. Once outside the victim’s door they could hear her cries for help and were able to verify the door was locked, preventing access to the apartment.

Officers then called in Alicante council firefighte­rs to help them get into the apartment, as by this time the aggressor was threatenin­g to throw himself out of one of the windows if anyone entered.

The fire brigade arrived with two full crews and their vehicle equipped with an extendable ladder. On arrival they split into two teams, one with special tools to open the door, while the other extended the ladder and platform to allow officers to enter from the façade

The officers at the front door tried to coax the young man into letting them in, while two other officers and two firefighte­rs managed to access the fourth floor balcony of the victim’s apartment.

When they entered the apartment, the aggressor locked himself in a room with a dog of a breed classified as potentiall­y dangerous.

They immediatel­y opened the door for the others to enter, upon which the man set the dog loose and tried to escape through a window, but was stopped by two police officers before he could throw himself out.

They then proceeded to arrest the man and were also able to calm the dog down and put a muzzle on it.

The detainee was accused of an alleged domestic violence offence and put at the disposal of the Alicante investigat­ing court on duty.

Collaborat­ion between the Alicante city firefighte­rs and the National Police is constant, and joint training courses are carried regularly, added the spokesman.

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